Thursday, February 1, 2018

Losing weight the no-Sugar way

Weight-watchers must be booming for a reason. Lots of women (and men) are trying to lose weight to look their best. A lot of them will fail miserably. Some will try again. Others will work out what they need to do and why they can’t seem to lose any weight. It’s hardly rocket science is it? If you don’t eat the calories you won’t put the weight on. Out go the crisps, biscuits and puddings. You have to make sacrifices if you want success. No pain, no gain as they say.

A lot of the reason slimmers will fail is because they don’t have the willpower to finish what they started. You’re not blessed with willpower from birth and it can be very hard to get. There are plenty of distractions along the way and what seemed like a good idea when you started is soon forgotten. I’ve been there myself so it’s no good being too critical. It’s only recently that i’ve discovered the true worth of willpower. It’s great to have it and it always comes in handy when you need it to,.You can tell the really serious weight-watchers because they’re checking the ingredients when you see them in the supermarket.

Willpower is something you must have. It’s not a 9-5 job. It’s a 24 hour one instead. That’s the only way you’ll achieve anything. You have to approach it like your life depends on it. At this point my wife would say: “i’m going home” GREAT! In a previous life she would have been the deck chair arranger aboard The TItanic. Some people!
Her mindset is always like that but she has to change. It’s the same with the sugar-free diet and why it takes someone who doesn’t mind going the extra mile. That’s why some people are slim and some people are just...FAT!

I can give you the recipe but if you don’t do anything it won’t get made. Fat people don’t always have to be fat. But If they weren’t, who would buy the hundreds of slimming books that go on sale every year? There comes a point in life when you think “fuck it. Do it your way!”
Meanwhile, the sugar-free diet helps those who help themselves. Just try it and see what happens. You’ve got nothing to lose. Except weight.


  1. I agree, it takes will power to loose weight. I'm a label reader and what I'm looking for are products that does not contain the following: soy, soy bean oil, soy proteins, soy lecithin. What is annoying is that most of the manufactured products have some soy or soy by product in it so I buy only food that have no soy or soy byproducts. It means that I don't eat a lot of food a mostly stick to recipes that I make from scratch. Most prepackaged food contain a ridiculous amount of sugar.
    I lost weight and kept it off for over two years at least.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Eating stuff you make from scratch is a good idea Julia. You can judge what goes into it for a start. Staying away from processed food is a good idea too. I’m not trying to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do, because it’s up to you. It sounds as though you know what you’re doing, anyway. That’s good. I’m not a big fan of sugar as you can tell.

  2. Treey, I'm eating like that because I have to. I had 3rd stage breast cancer in 2002 and told that I would probably die from it. It was estrogen receptive so I was put on estrogen blockers for a total of 10 years after which time, the blockers were ineffective, so I did my research and took soy byproducts and flax seeds out of my diet because they have estrogen that mimic human estrogen. It was difficult having to read all the labels because it slowed down my grocery shopping but I persevered and discovered what I could eat. I'm now 71 and still working 7 days a week at our dairy farm managing the calves from birth to 800 lbs. or 363 kg of weight.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Hi Julia, you’re an inspiration to everyone with all you’ve been through and with what you do now.

  3. You're right, Terry - you have to be prepared to read labels or else just not shop from certain aisles at the grocery store. It seems that everything prepackaged has something bad in it. I read recently that if we rely on willpower alone to stop eating certain foods we will eventually fail because people only have so much willpower. We have to set ourselves up for success, for example by not having treats in the house or by preparing healthy snacks ahead of the time so that when we are hungry it's easier to choose those. I think those are good ideas, but I also think that willpower is like other things - the more you practice it, the better you can get. It's a bit of a mind game.

    1. Hi Jenny, your thoughts on success are worth reading. I definitely think that willpower is a mind game.


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