Friday, August 18, 2017

The blog in question...

Writing a blog has given me plenty of freedom to express myself, at a time when i need it the most. My wife, Mandy, has never stopped treating me like she always has done and the carers here know me, and treat me, as the person i aspire to be. The biggest problem i get is from SALT. They refuse to treat me as anything other than they'd treat a 5 year-year.old kid who's trying to bunk off school. They have given me, in an assessment they made, a zero-rating of mental capacity. They really don't like me or what i'm doing. This isn't a blogpost about them though. If it were, i wouldn't be able to stop myself from swearing.

Cannabis could lower a person's risk of having a stroke, new research says.
Medical strains of the drug are prescribed across more than half of the United States to treat chronic pain, anxiety and epilepsy.
It is controversial; as more states legalize the drug, scores of medical experts warn marijuana carries other dangerous side effects, and we do not have enough research to be sure of its benefits.

However, a study by the University of Texas at Dallas has found the drug can improve oxygen and blood flow to the brain, reducing the risk of clots that cause a brain attack.
In fact, the research team found chronic cannabis users have the most efficient brain blood flow of all, suggesting their stroke risk is lowest.

It won't be long before cannabis is used here in Britain. You would think so, anyway. Anything that can prevent a stroke from happening should be looked at. It adds new meaning to The Beatles's "Getting High With A Little Help From My Friends". I doubt it will ever happen though.


  1. I've never used any drugs and rarely drink, never smoked. But, I do believe drugs should be legalized. A person should make the decision, not the government. It's interesting that in the past, our U.S. government has been involved in drug running and making a profit off drugs (Air America in Vietnam, Iran-Contra, poppy fields in Afghanistan) while keeping them illegal for sale by others. Perhaps they don't want the competition?

  2. Time will tell how much this drug will help people. I support its legalization.

  3. If your mental capacity really does merit a zero rating then I am a banana. Even an ant's mental capacity is higher than zero.

    1. Well, that's official then.At least I've got higgggh hopes. Apple pie in the skyyyy hopes.

  4. Marijuana just became legal here in Las Vegas for everyone. The dispensaries ran out of product faster than they thought they would and the lines were out the door and around the corner at some places.

    1. At least you've got rid of the drug dealers, Mary.

  5. It can be useful I believe in addressing the pain and muscle spasms associated with Multiple Sclerosis too I believe. We are s.l.o.w.l.y getting on board here.

  6. I'm for legalization for medical reason. It's way better than some of the prescribed drugs out there .
    I have never smoked the weed and I dislike the odour but if I needed it for some medical reason I would want it . I can't see the problem with letting you have some to relieve your depression . Everybody would be happier and probably more healthy for it.

    Change comes slow.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. I don't think I could smoke weed no matter how bad the pain got, Julia.

    2. I quit smoking cigarettes in 1968 and I wouldn't smoke it but it can be taken in other form like in brownies. I know nothing about the other ways it can be taken.
      Hugs, Julia

  7. I used to partake in smoking weed, but I decided to give it up, 6 months later, I had a stroke.............................

  8. It can happen to anybody, Bob.

  9. I support its legislation, too. The benefits of cannabis oil has been proven and is being proven, literally, every day by those who suffer from epilepsy, Parkinson's, reactions from chemo etc., etc., etc. Those benefits shouldn't be ignored...and, in my opinion, cannabis oil should be de-criminalised.

    1. If it benefits the people then I'm all for it..

    2. Hi Terry :) I like how your blog changes now and then, keeps me on my toes! :) I very much support the legalization of marijuana. I am not the type to use it though. When I was a teenager, I tried, but didn't like that feeling of losing control. I know that it helps many people who suffer the pain of Muscular Dystrophy. I followed the blog of a lady a long time ago who has MS, is in a wheel chair and needs THC often to help her pain. Her blog is Access Denied: Living with MS. I haven't been there in a while because she stopped posting for a bit, she is a very sweet lady. It sucks that you are being treated by SALT that way.

    3. Hi Rain ☔️, I change the blog because I get fed up with the way that it looks, want to see what other themes look look like and hope that I find something that I really like.
      As far as marijuana is concerned, sometimes I have a lot of pain. Other people must have it too. Marijuana should be available to anyone who needs it I feel. Why must they suffer in silence? It's not like SALT are in charge are they?

    4. I agree totally with what you said. Why suffer in silence. Pain management, in my opinion, can end up very subjective. I live with constant pain from a knee injury...long story short, I ventured into downhill skiing in 2007-2008. I was on the beginner ski hill taking a class when some little dweeb was hotdogging it for his friends on a snowboard, jumped lanes and rammed right into me. My right knee dislocated! I used morphine for a while (prescribed) for the pain but it made me so drugged up... I learn to live with it, but as I get older, I find it stings a lot more, and if Marijuana didn't make me feel loopy, I'd find a way to use it if it helped with the pain. That's the problem...the "rules" make you go against them, sometimes out of desperation, and that can be dangerous. If the distribution of pot was controlled and legal, it would be much safer and people who really need it would benefit tremendously!

    5. That sounds like a really painful injury. you have there, Rain.i hope it's not too bad. I checked out tha link you gave me by the way.

    6. It was more painful at the time! Surgery was suggested, but honestly? I'd rather not unless it's necessary for me to function. If I lived in the States, I could have sued that idiot, lol...taking the high road.... :) I haven't visited Herrad's blog in ages, I should go check and see how she's doing.

    7. There's not a lot going on.

    8. I'm very glad to hear that your wife and son treat you the same as you ever were. It is hard when people suddenly treat you differently based on a medical condition or a disability. My dad enjoyed the company of one of his friends the most because he always treated my dad the exact same as before his stroke. It made Dad forget he was disabled, even if it was just for the duration of the visit.

    9. It never matters much to me. I know what you're saying though.


I don’t know a lot of things and my memory has seen better times.  We can’t know everything that is going to happen, but everything does fo...