Tuesday, May 1, 2018




  1. How did you know exactly how I'm feeling today?? ha ha

    1. Hi Jenny, so glad you see the funny side of it.

  2. OMG lol...that's a wicked picture, made my skin crawl!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Hi EC,this has got to be the worst week ever for me

  4. I have days when I feel and look like this, especially on those really cold winter days :)

  5. I've had days like that that I felt like a zombie but I got over it with sleep. hahaha. And I think that I looked like that too except I have short hair.

    I tried to leave a comment on your new post "Roll up It could be you " but there is nowhere to leave a comment.

    I've had bladder infections and the doctor says that they are very difficult to treat and they have special antibiotics for that. I agree, you have to drink plenty of water and urinate often to flush out the infection. They are very painful and uncomfortable. You have to be careful as they can cause kidney damage. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    1. Thanks, Julia. I wanted to write about zombies but wrote about my water infection instead. I have no idea why the website works sometimes and not all the time. Grr.

  6. Terry, you have water problem and I also have water problems of a different kind... We're in a major flood since April 27th. The river in front of our house has flooded and we are surrounded by deep water. You can read about it on my latest blog post.

  7. Oops, forgot my hugs, Julia


I don’t know a lot of things and my memory has seen better times.  We can’t know everything that is going to happen, but everything does fo...