When you can’t walk and you can’t talk you have no choice but to live the kind of existance that i’ve been living for the past six years. People will say that i CAN talk but that’s a debatable point. I have to repeat myself sometimes it’s up to fourteen times before i’m fully understood! Remind me again that i can talk. It’s so frustrating and it really gets on my nerves. There are lots of things that do, though. Everyday i have to battle so that people know what i’m saying and it’s getting harder to do so. I have bought a machine that helps out and I really enjoy making it swear.
Every day starts at quarter past seven for me. I drink a large beaker of thickened water at 8am.it has to be thickened or else i die. If the water is too thin it goes staight into my lungs and i drown. I can’t be saved, unfortunately. At some point in the day i suffer from depression and i cry. People ask me why and i tell them i don’t know.and i don’t. Why do people always assume there’s a reason. There isn’t and I just wish i was left well alone. It’s an ordinary day for me.