Sunday, January 6, 2019

We never saw that coming

That was a blast. We never saw that coming. Me, Steve and Dave set off with different aspirations and whether we’ll meet them or not remains to be seen. There are three things i can say about myself that i never expected to happen. 1) i’m disabled 2) i have a beard 3) i’m married. Having a beard is really cool. Getting a beard is because i’m disabled. The marriage thing is because i’m.disabled as well. I forgot to say that i have vertigo as well. It’s a terrible condition that leaves you unable to do anything. A bit like like being disabled. So there we have it. Having a beard is something that I never thought would happen. I blame.the vertigo on the trogg who has played her music at full blast for fucking months on end. .


  1. Comments are back!!!
    I don't think any of us saw life coming. Or that it turned out the way we expected/hoped/dreamed.

  2. I agree with Elephant's Child - I don't know of anyone whose life turned out how they expected or hoped. Some twists in the road are unhappier than others, that's for sure.

  3. I agree with Elephant's Child too. Mine surely didn't turned out the way I had envisioned my life would be. This is only our first life, we still have another life that will last for eternity. I hope that one turns better for us all.
    Hugs, Julia


I don’t know a lot of things and my memory has seen better times.  We can’t know everything that is going to happen, but everything does fo...